Rotary Club of Amenity Bardhaman W. Bengal - Rotary India

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Mental Health Seminar

On 25th October, we had the honor of conducting an insightful Menta. . .

World polio day

On 24th October, we had the privilege of participating in the Zonal. . .

Azad Hind Day

We are pleased to share that our **Azad Hind Day** celebration was . . .

Annapurna Meal

Today we Served Hot and delicious meals to the orphan children of b. . .

2nd Puja Porikrama

Today we arranged again a puja Porikrama for the home less children. . .

Puja Porikroma

We’re excited to share that today we took the children from Droplet. . .


Today at GGI High School Golgram Burdwan, we had the honor of prese. . .


Today at Burdwan Raj School, we had the honor of presenting the Nat. . .


We planted several trees on the school campus, reinforcing our comm. . .

Seminar on Biodiversity

We organized a seminar on biodiversity featuring our chief guest, M. . .

Rabies Seminar

We hosted a seminar focusing on the dos and don’ts after being bitt. . .

Rabies Vaccination Campaign

We successfully vaccinated 200 street dogs, emphasizing the critica. . .

Hygiene Supplies

We have distributed soaps for hand washing and phenyl for mopping . . .

Distribution of School Stationery

We have distributed 200 sets of copies, pencils, erasers, and sharp. . .

Distribution of School Stationery

We have distributed 150 sets of copies, pencils, erasers, and sharp. . .

Hygiene Supplies

We have also distributed soaps for hand washing and phenyl for mopp. . .

Seminar for Special Child

We are pleased to inform you that today, a valuable seminar was con. . .


Participated at Zonal Membership Seminar.


We conducted the following workshops: - **Good Touch Bad Touc. . .

Plant Powered Day - Tithibhojon

We provided nutritious meals through our special mid-day meal sche. . .

Sanitary Napkin Distribution

We had distributed sanitary napkins and conduct an educational sess. . .


We conducted the following workshops: - **Good Touch Bad Touc. . .

Sanitary Napkin Distribution & Awareness about Wom

We had distributed sanitary napkins and conduct an educational sess. . .

Plant Powered Day - Tithibhojon

We provided nutritious meals through our special mid-day meal sche. . .

Hygiene Supplies

We have distributed soaps for hand washing and phenyl for mopping a. . .

Distribution of School Stationery

We have distributed 400 sets of copies, pencils, erasers, and sharp. . .

Installation of Water Filter

We have installed a water filter at the school to ensure that stude. . .

Activity at Droplets School

We also had the pleasure of celebrating Teachers Day with the kids . . .

Teachers Day Observance

We paid tribute to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second Preside. . .

Assistance Towards the Deceased Family

In a touching act of compassion, the family of the late Mr. Samir K. . .

Educational Supplies to Nandalal School

We distributed around 80 sets of educational supplies, including co. . .

Distribution of Benches to Nandalal primary School

Today, we delivered four sets of benches to the students of Nandala. . .

Sanitary Pad Distribution

We distributed 40 sets of sanitary pads at the camp. This distribut. . .

Eye Donation Advocacy

We also held an advocacy session for eye donation. During this even. . .

Blood Donation Camp

We hosted a highly successful blood donation camp, with a total of . . .

Support to an NGO

We handed over 225 sanitary napkins to RC Asansol Green City, which. . .

Support for Asha Niketan

We provided financial assistance to Asha Niketan, an organization d. . .

Bench Distribution

I’m pleased to inform you that (phase 1) we have successfully deli. . .

Rotary For Wildlife

I wanted to provide a brief update on our visit today to the Distri. . .

Sanitary pads Distribution

We provided 50 sets of sanitary pads and took the opportunity to ed. . .

Toys to the children

We distributed a variety of toys to the children, including a color. . .

Mental Health Seminar

Went to the online mental health seminar.

2nd Phase Mega Plantation

I am excited to share the successful completion of our 2nd phase me. . .

2nd Sanitary Pad Distribution

Approximately 200 female students attended the seminar, and we made. . .

2nd Menstrual Hygiene Seminar

I’m pleased to share that today we had a successful visit to M C Hi. . .

Plantation Program

Plantation drives are crucial for environmental sustainability and . . .

Plantation Program

The students actively participated in the planting of the saplings,. . .

Observation of Independence Day

We had the privilege of hosting the flag at Euro Academy School. Th. . .

Hosting of National Flag

We had the privilege of hosting the flag at Droplets School. These . . .

Project Netajis Pride

A flag was also proudly displayed in front of the Netaji Statue at . . .

Project Grand Emblem

A magnificent 1066 sqft flag was hosted by our RCC Start Up Foundat. . .

Seminar on Body, Organ, Eye Donation.

I am pleased to share that today, an impactful awareness project wa. . .

Sapling Plantation

Successful Sapling Planting at Global Magnus School Dear Rotary . . .

Distribution of Sanitary Napkins

Our project involved the distribution of 150 sanitary napkins to t. . .

Awareness Seminar on Menstrual Hygiene

Our project was an awareness seminar on menstrual hygiene, held at . . .

Phase 1 Plantation

I am delighted to inform you that today, we have achieved a signifi. . .

Rotary For Wildlife

I wanted to provide a brief update on our visit today to the Distri. . .

Zonal Plantation

I am delighted to inform you all that today, we actively participat. . .


I am delighted to share with you the successful commencement of our. . .